We're 3 friends who got fed up of private renting. So we set up Roost - to make living in a co-op easy.

We've experienced it all: slug infestations, mushrooms growing inside, those here-we-go-again rents hikes that force you out the neighbourhood.

And in our combined 22 years of renting, we rarely had good landlords who actually fixed maintenance issues.

Not to mention the rules and restrictions.. no pets, no doing up the garden, in most rentals you can't even put up some art, let alone paint the walls.

It's fair to say, we didn't have control over the biggest part of our lives - our homes. Until we discovered housing co-ops!

Living in a co-op was wildly different. Instead of putting up with our landlords tastes - we decided together how we wanted to live. Rents stayed fair and predictable. And it got us thinking - why don't more people live in co-ops?

So, we're building a platform that makes it easy to start one.

The plan is to make co-ops the norm. We're helping groups of friends lay down root and finally put their stamp on the place.

The Roost team

Ben - Founder of Roost

Ben loves to get into the nitty gritty of how things work. In his previous role he worked in the civil service and helped exploited construction workers get justice.

Andrew - CEO and co-founder

Andrew's background is in the charity sector, working to solve homelessness with organisations like Crisis and Farewell.

Tess - Growth Manager

Tess is obsessed with housing co-operatives. She's lived in co-ops and tried to set up her own in Bristol, before joining Roost.

Our values

Power to tenants

We exist to give members power over their homes. Renters have agency and power to live the way they want to.

Community (The commons)

We're focussed on helping communities build and thrive. Whether it's helping you find someone to start a Roost with or finding spaces that ignite community.

Clarity and ease

We're removing the barriers, by making it as easy as possible to start a Roost. This is a value we have woven into every element of Roost from the language we use to making the process as accesible as possible.

Make renting obsolete

Roost Co-ops Ltd #14847092

Roost Tenant Co-operative Limited #5085