friends hi-fiving in a great roost home


It’s your home. Live like it.

A housing co-operative for the 21st century

Sign up


It’s your home. Live like it.

A housing co-operative for the 21st century

Sign up

Life as a co-op member

Roost homes are tenant run co-operatives. Here is what that means:


Live in your home without arbitrary evictions or inflation-busting rent hikes.


Update the kitchen, paint your room, or add solar — it's up to your co-op.


You control the maintenance budget, so you can solve small things fast.


Excess rent belongs to your co-op, and you can spend it however you like.

What’s the catch?

It’s yours to control -- so it’s yours to manage.

We help with that. We help to sort out the bills, the maintenance, and make it easier to get the improvements.

But at the end of the day, it’s your home. We have a responsibility to make sure you’re not unsafe, but it’s your responsibility to make it a good place to live.

How Roost makes money

We get 10% of the rent you pay to live in a Roost home. No hidden charges or complicated subscriptions.

Our plan is to move lots of homes into community ownership to solve the housing crisis. This fee lets us do that.

What’s next


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We came together because we were fed up with bad landlords. We wanted something better, and we knew we could do it through housing co-operatives.

So we set up Roost to make it easy to rent like a homeowner.

Frequently asked questions

What is a co-operative?

Co-operatives are organisations where every member has a say in how their home is run.

Co-op homes exist to benefit their members and the community they are a part of. They use different legal models and have a proud history of social change.

Co-ops exist for their members, so you can invest in and improve the home. We think there should be thousands more of them in the UK.

Can I invest in Roost?

Yes. You can invest as loanstock or bonds. We allow investors to choose whether they want to invest in affordable or market rate housing, where and what kind. For more details, email

Can I support a friend / family member?

Yes. This can be a good way to help them live in a good home, while getting a return on savings and increasing the amount of community-owned housing.

What is Roost’s legal model?

Residents are members of a management co-op, which leases a property on a long term basis. This might be from a building owner or a secondary co-operative.

Regardless of who owns the home, tenants get the security and control to live in it as they wish.

This means all the properties are on the same balance sheet, but every home is managed by the people who live in it.

A property

Roost homes can come from other co-ops, building owners, or be bought for tenants



A management co-op

A management co-op

A co-op which leases the home, which is responsible for everything but the structure.



Contractual tenancy

Contractual tenancy

A member

A member

Someone who lives in a Roost home

What are you waiting for?

Create a co-op


Roost is the trading name of Roost Co-ops Ltd